Composing with Metadata in Mind

Author Archive

Synthesis by Jentery Sayers
Volume. Networks. Distance.

So how to practice standards in the making (SITM)? And to what effects on a field such as the digital humanities? From my reading of Curtis’s, Jamie’s, and Matt’s analyses of the Library of Congress (LoC)’s Flickr . . . [read more]

Analysis by Jentery Sayers
Implicit Metadata and Ecologies of Ambivalence

In their October 2008 report on the pilot project conducted by Flickr and the Library of Congress (LoC), Michelle Springer et al. provide findings on how and to what effects Flickr members have contributed . . . [read more]

Introduction by Jentery Sayers
The Shelf Life of Digital Scholarship

Let me take for granted one claim: That the new work of composing is the work of composing new media as a form of scholarship, where new media are more than objects of inquiry. They are the very means through which . . . [read more]